Secrets guarded
A battle of wills
Kept by thirty two white knights
On two red hills
Secrets hidden
Frozen on a summer’s day
Gone with the wind
Exiled far away
Secrets six feet under
Like a dog’s buried bone
Place forgotten
A dream unknown
Secrets like a treasure
Precious unsaid
Astonishing revealed
Then for the world displayed
Secrets painful
Blood-oath bound
Pangs only inward
With thorns crowned
Secrets surrendered
Like a glass of teardrops dashed on a noontime sidewalk
Vanished, trodden into dusty trails
Sorrow’s empty void
Secrets sealed
With a thousand kisses
Bubbling as a mountain spring
Sallyport of a thousand blisses
Secrets seared on the heart
With memory’s branding iron
Under agonising lock and key
Damned to oblivion