Thursday, November 5, 2009

The last dewdrop

Morning breaks, the dewdrops glisten
The night has run its course
Birdsong abounds, just listen!
The sun's alarm clock crows itself hoarse

The little flowers that in the night
Have hung closed, silent and fearful
Raise their head in the dawn light
Their open petals bright and beautiful

The dregs of cold air scatter
Under the assault of the sunbeams
Animals scurry hither and thither
Freed from their dark dreams

The morning air grows warmer
The last dewdrop hangs on its leaftip
It tenses itself, it grows smaller
And then in one upwards leap

I walk not this path alone

My life to me is a race to be run
Forward I look - to the finshing line
Not a glance behind whence it begun
For before me I see His glory shine.

My life to me is a war to be fought
He clothes me with heavenly armour
To me the deadliest foe is but naught
When beside me stands my powerful Father

My life to me is a uphill journey
I tread the narrow, dangerous path
But I know that 'Thou art with me'
Against the fellest woe I can but laugh

My life to me is as a sheep's grazing
As I'm wont to, oft I stray
But my Shepherd's rod and staff come blazing
Down to nudge me back into the way

My life is like the morning's dew
It passes, unpredictable and fast
Yet I can leap into each day anew
Because He clothes me more than grass

My life's road stretches far before me
I know not what the next corner may bring
But with eager steps I follow Thee
My God - my Prophet, Priest, and King

In a dark and filthy land dwell we
Some under heavy burdens groan
But a faithful Friend has lightened me
And so I walk not this path alone.

(this was written on September 25th, but only posted on Nov 05)

Ode to August

As summer fades and the autumn shower
Comes to drive us under cover
Of our beloved school's white roofs
Pelting us with cases, texts and rule proofs

It's indeed hard to believe
Our holidays have been terminated
Tomorrow it's back to - good grief!
Getting our heads lectureminated...

The fun and hustle-bustle of matric week
Silenced abruptly by the onset of classes
The breath crushed out of us - squeek!
Time to don you reading glasses

Tumbleweed rolling around in my brain
The vast unfilled deserts, void of all
Waiting for the water of the knowledge rain
Which in a cycle, empties away in the exam hall

I've forgotten how to use Lawnet already
It's hard to sit down and read any textbook
Whatever that was... IVLE?
I think I'd better go and have a look

Books and books, they line my shelf
The very same shelves emptied in May
I look at them, I look at myself
Oh horrors! whence came they?

And they mutter amongst themselves up there
speaking of this case, that case, where
some guy sues another and the judge
decides that one's wrong and the
other's right, because somehow chocolate fudge
tastes really good in summer
but now its past and we're back
in the dungeon of the spanish inquisition
no time to slack, gotta crack
move move MOVE!

and so school term starts.


(This was written on August 11, but only posted here on Nov 6th)