Thursday, November 5, 2009

I walk not this path alone

My life to me is a race to be run
Forward I look - to the finshing line
Not a glance behind whence it begun
For before me I see His glory shine.

My life to me is a war to be fought
He clothes me with heavenly armour
To me the deadliest foe is but naught
When beside me stands my powerful Father

My life to me is a uphill journey
I tread the narrow, dangerous path
But I know that 'Thou art with me'
Against the fellest woe I can but laugh

My life to me is as a sheep's grazing
As I'm wont to, oft I stray
But my Shepherd's rod and staff come blazing
Down to nudge me back into the way

My life is like the morning's dew
It passes, unpredictable and fast
Yet I can leap into each day anew
Because He clothes me more than grass

My life's road stretches far before me
I know not what the next corner may bring
But with eager steps I follow Thee
My God - my Prophet, Priest, and King

In a dark and filthy land dwell we
Some under heavy burdens groan
But a faithful Friend has lightened me
And so I walk not this path alone.

(this was written on September 25th, but only posted on Nov 05)

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