Monday, March 24, 2008

Windy Water

Peak hour in the sky streets where

Pregnant clouds bump and jostle

Fuses blow and tempers flare

Cloud black with anger flexes muscle

Fire! Doth the rain king roar

Boom of cannon and flash of muzzle

Water torrents earthward pour

Animals, earthlings hustle and bustle

Pillars of brilliant fire to heaven soar

Veiled by curtains of water

Sky drums rattle at the door

Wild north wind clamours to enter

Another of those rainy days

Out there a disco plays

Raindrops dance, bright lights flash

Thunder-horses prance and cymbals clash

Little flower lowers head

Cowering in the pot

The old man, he falls out of bed

At morn he waketh not

The falling rain hammers the earth

Forging new sound and sight

And when exhausted the showers above

The world births anew, green and bright

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