Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Mother's Day Tribute

Twenty-two years ago I woke up to life
Bawling, struggling and tiny
Twenty-two years ago I woke up to love
Helpless, frail and puny

Twenty-two years later I'm still alive
Knowing my mother loves me
Twenty-two years later I can still love
Because my mother loved me

Twenty-two years of her life
She's broken her back for our family
Twenty-two years of her love
She's given to us daily

She's still doing it now
Her determination awes me
Perhaps I can never grasp whence or how
Her strength replenishes daily

Her hands are a blur, always in motion
She fights a battle for her children
Supporting her husband in his every endeavour
Unrivalled in energy and fervour

My everything I owe to my mum
I cannot say what I'd have become
But twenty-two years now and growing
has taught me the sum
of everything
is that Man without his Mother is nothing.

(Note: This was written for Mother's Day 2011)

~ Josiah ~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

For the Joy of the LORD is my Strength

Life is like water

Our mind is the vessel

That gives life its shape

Life is like scenery

Our mind is the lenses

That gives life its colour

If my heart is joyful

Life will be joyful

If I view life with energetic eyes

Every day is a blessing

Filled with opportunities

For me to do a thousand meaningful things

Every frustration is a chance to show patience and kindness

Every challenge is a means to grow

Heartbreaks strengthen us

Temptations humble us

The greatest sea is but a puddle to him with the eyes of the eagle

And the mightiest mountain a molehill to him whose Strength

Is founded upon his Joy in the Lord.

And whatsoever ye do, do heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Col 3:23

~ Josiah Lau ~ written around 30th Jan 2011