Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Machinations of a dream

The cogs grind
to a halt
As the dust of a million
battles flood the cracks
And teeth that
have consumed the souls
of a million revolutions

The sweat and tear drops that fall
have been weighed
and found wanting
yet they fall
yet they fall
as if their vain splattering on
the bone-dry machines may perchance
oil them into life

Friday, September 23, 2016

Lament of the Soulless

The greatest of friendships exists In the baring of selves The mutual exposing - voluntary! of each’s naked being
It is where friends have seen the worst of the other plumbed the depths of the soul known all the retardedness the other can stoop to the indulgences weaknesses dreams fears and despite the innumerable host of imperfections that mar that naked visage extend the fiery embrace of love to the other from one core to the other
When becoming sworn brethren was a thing what could be more real than the blood oath The mingling of the very liquid life that courses through the veins of the twain
Can deep friendship be, where two leave standing the walls, masks and fancy Venetian blinds that hold the world at bay where the projected image of the Perfect-er Self displayed to strangers is retained for a ‘close friend’ to see?
but the knitting together of souls is formed of heartstrings the strands, the fibres of the innermost selves where the fabric of outer veils are rent asunder
And between naked self and naked self the burning bonds formed surpass words spoken, interests shared, ugliness witnessed where dark secrets can no longer hold hostage the intertwining of beings Where covalency - the strongest of chemical bonds is but a facade, a mere interaction of outermost shells Where the deepest friendships are a fusion-but-not-fusion the enjoining of two cores one but not one two but not two A new ‘self’ born of two old.
Thus bemoans one who, desperate to prove himself worthy fearful of being judged keeps shields up, moat filled and walls manned letting none past his gates and wonders why none dare knock

self awareness

Self contemplation: gazing inward
into my shattered soul, my fractured heart
My self I see, but only
as through a broken glass, darkly
Betwixt rivulets of glittering cracks
and in scattered splinters on the cold ground

Thursday, August 18, 2016

to hold love

somewhere in the dead of night
on a tired open palm
a tiny tongue aflame dances
in the flickering gaze of eyes
'til the fist clenches
and in a silent teardrop
it quenches

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Unchosen Ones

I keep a little graveyard of dreams
Snug under a hillock deep inside my heart
Every so often it grows
Howbeit I am glad because
For every cross I add to it
Three other dreams thrive above
Roots thrust deep
Drinking from the rich ground
Fertilised by the Unchosen Ones.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


What is sleep?

Sleep is but rest
A time to regenerate
To heal
To shrug off all the troubles
The hustle and bustle
That vex and worry in the day

What is sleep?
The surrender of the consciousness
The release of the iron bands 
That enslave the mind and heart
To duty
And honour
And love
And image

What if I told you that
sleep could be done without sleep
restoration was possible
without the shallow
superficial meaningless and vain
form of sleep that most
people succumb to

what if
the mind was truly the master
and the body the slave
and regeneration was all about the mind
not about the body

and if being awake at night was all the healing
that I need
then my healing would be in the form of
the embrace of darkness
free of all the problems that the day brings
and I can be free to agonise over things
that I cannot during the day
because I must look confident
and brave
and manly
and cool
and all the things that society and family and friends demand and expect of a typical someone my age
things that would make me fail all of the above requirements

what if I told you the night sets me free
to lose myself in my personal pursuits
to lose myself in my insignificance
to lose myself in my non-existence
the me that cannot exist in front of everyone else

what if darkness allowed me to wander my own paths
beyond boundaries no one has known
beyond horizons others have denied to me
to learn
to work
to mourn
to build
to be

what if the even's darkness was nothing more 
than a blotting paper
for my own darkness inside
darkness that grows within during the day when the windows 
of my soul are shut
and the curtains drawn
so no one can see inside

what if that was my rest
what if that was my healing
what if I love the darkness
what if I am night incarnate

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

No road

Sitting in the darkness
Waiting for the moon
Because the sun refuses
to grant this boon

Mind like a dusty road
Questions racing full throttle
Dark skies groaning with watery load
Dripping from dashed bottle

The compass spins wildly
Wind roaring in the yards
The seaspray hisses sourly
and bursts in briny shards

Drifting without rudder
Sails tattered, ropes frayed
Prays the sailor
All hope allayed.